Monday, August 30, 2010

dream 1 - 08/30/2010

This is not where the dreams start but, rather, where I start to tell the dreams. I will post previous ones later.

I was taking nap here at my house in Norman at about 5:30. The nap lasted about an hour. I don't recall how the dream began but I do remember being in a strange house seemingly in the middle of nowhere. It was about 6:00 or 7:00 in the evening and getting dark very quickly. It was odd because the house was being worked on as if it was never initially done being built or it was under renovation. I don't recall which. I remember traveling through the house sort of investigating what was there but didn't see much. The house was fairly small. There were doorways and hallways. It was extremely dark but little pockets of light throughout holes in the doors and walls allowed me to see where I was going. The houses also had sort of a light greenish tint to them, as if they were once-painted that color and then going to be repainted. As I was wandering through the house I remember seeing a father and daughter walking through it as well, but they were in a place that I couldn't get to even though they were only a few feet from me. I attempted to walk through the door they were on the other side of and I could see them because there was a strange knocked out opening in the door. But, I couldn't get through it. I walked up another set of stairs which seemed to be on the outer west side of the house. I knew this because later when I peeked outside the sun was almost done setting. I walked up it only to find a door cracked a couple inches which led to another staircase outside. The door was chained up though. For some reason, however, each time I tried to push the door open, it progressively opened more and more. I wasn't forcing it open but lightly pushing it as it eased it's way open. I started to walk up the stairs before I was overcome by a terrible fear. I turned around and walked back down the hallway and staircase I came from because it was getting dark and there were no lights in the house.

There was a gap in time where I either fast-forwarded to this next part, leaving me a blank spot as to how I got there. Or, I don't actually remember what happened in between the previous part and this next part, nor do I know if they are anyhow connected.

At this point I was either still in the house or changed locations. Based on how I felt in the dream I think it was the same place. This is a bit blurry but I remember being around two different men roughly 23 or 24 years of age. They were friends but not related. Mysteriously, one the men died but I don't remember how. After this, for some reason, both were on the ground in the living room, covered and wrapped up with a bluish-colored tarp. The living room was oddly structured like an operating room where people from an upper level can look down and observe procedures. The entire living room and observation style room were centrally located in the house. One of the man's fathers, the one who had died, was standing in this observation area. But the strange thing was that it wasn't like he was observing a medical procedure but observing a funeral. In a furious rage, the father of the dead son was mourning, weeping, screaming because he could see his dead son covered and on the ground. Somehow I became, or was originally, a part of this procedure that was occurring. It wasn't a science experiment or dissection but more like some kind of ritual. It didn't feel ritualistic, however. Below the observation room there was a ratty, wooden operating table, like a butcher's block or someone's old, wooden counter top. We - myself and some other guy - took the man who was not dead off of the ground and placed him on the table below the observers. The father continued to mourn as he laid eyes upon the man who he thought was his son. I'm not sure who or what instructed the alive man not to move. It could have been some inhibition, feeling, or given instruction. But he was not supposed to be moving while he was wrapped in this tarp. Regardless, the alive man, while he was on the table, took a breath and moved. The observers above, including the father, looked and thought the son had come back to life and he began to yell at us to unfold him and take him out of the tarp because he was alive. We quickly, as if not to be noticed by the father, removed the man off of the table hoping that the father would not see us exchanging the men. It was like we had made an initial mistake in putting the alive man on the table first because we were trying to present the son to the father. We quickly attempted to replace the alive man with the dead son in hopes that the father would re-assume that his son was indeed actually dead. It was like we were accidentally playing a mind game with the dad. It wasn't on purpose.

Then I woke up at 6:34 pm.